The 5'th parameter of sqlite3_exec() might be useful - it's error message in text format. If the same database is being read and written using two different database connections (two different sqlite3 objects returned by separate calls to sqlite3open ()) and the two database connections do not have a shared cache, then the reader is only able to see complete committed transactions from the writer. When you specify BEGIN TRANSACTION, auto commit turns off until. Without the super-journal, the transaction commit on a multi-database transaction would be atomic for each database individually, but it would not be atomic across all databases. This means that outside of an explicit transaction, every statement is its own transaction.

See the documentation titled Atomic Commit In SQLite for additional detail. The initial state of the database when the transaction was started is preserved. If any statement in the transaction fails, changes made by the previous statements can be rolled back. In your case (executing inserts) callback isn't needed. The multi-database transaction commits when the super-journal file is deleted. Transactions let you group multiple SQL statements into a single unit of work that is committed to the database as one atomic unit. You can replace your calls to sqlite3_prepare_v2(), sqlite3_step() and sqlite3_finalize() by single call to sqlite3_exec() and providing a callback function if it's more convenient. COMMIT TRANSACTION or END TRANSACTION Here TRANSACTION keyword is optional. Following is the syntax of COMMIT command in SQLite. It means that every query you issue to the SQLite database is automatically committed.
Notice that sqlite3_exec() also returns error code if any error occur. The COMMIT command is used to close out the current transaction and commit the changes to the database. When you connect to an SQLite database, the default mode is auto-commit. Int sqlRet = sqlite3_finalize(stmt) // sqlRet will contain error code

will cause the database engine to indirectly commit the entire transaction. I would try to move transaction's commit. You can create a new SQLite database using the touch command in your. You call it inside another sqlite3_prepare_v2() \ sqlite3_finalize() block and even if it's a legal operation, you commit transaction before all queries have been finished. The second thing I want to mention here - sqlite3_exec() is a wrapper around sqlite3_prepare_v2(), sqlite3_step() and sqlite3_finalize(). So if there is any error, you will catch it and find its explanation in the official documentation.

I'll be looking into using that once I get compilation working.I would check the return value of sqlite3_finalize() - it returns SQLITE_OK (which is equal 0) or an error code if any. It is initiated with dbBegin() and either made persistent with dbCommit() or undone with.

You can choose the underlying SQLite transaction behaviour that is, whether and what type of BEGIN statements sqlite3 implicitly executes via the isolationlevel attribute. A transaction encapsulates several SQL statements in an atomic unit. Any callback set by a previous call to sqlite3commithook () for the same database connection is overridden. On iOS, I'm having trouble with what I think is #5760, so I can't test it right now. Use the commit() and rollback() methods to respectively commit and roll back pending transactions. The sqlite3commithook () interface registers a callback function to be invoked whenever a transaction is committed. Function sqlQueryTransaction ( db: WebSQLDatabase, sqlList: string, argsList: string = ): Promise