Each of these areas has been affected drastically. We use existing research and examples to explore and predict the potential long-term effects of COVID-19 across multiple domains including: job security, financial consequences, remote work, worker well-being, and career attitudes. Many are adjusting to novel organizational demands of the pandemic while hoping for a swift “return to normal.” In time, the implications of these demands may not only shift but have a lasting effect on the way organizations and employees function, resulting in a “new normal.” Whereas the short-term effects have been felt and recognized by many, resulting paradigm shifts caused by the pandemic will likely have long-term effects of unknown scope and impact. The world is at its most interdependent economically and has never faced this level of comprehensive interruption.

The spectrum of shifts range from personal to professional, individual to organizational, and across most industries. The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to result in multiple paradigm shifts in organizations that society, in general, has yet to fully anticipate. This paradigmatic shift altered the foundational understanding of fire and precipitated the exploration of a new scientific theory.

The theory of phlogiston was disproved by Antoine Lavoisier through the discovery of combustion. For over 100 years, this substance was explored as the basis of fire. For example, in the 18th century, scientists heavily researched a substance known as phlogiston. In research, these are rare but impactful shifts that radically change our understanding of phenomena by altering the foundational assumptions upon which our understanding is derived. A paradigmatic shift is a fundamental change in the underlying assumptions of a phenomenon. The difficulty comes in assessing paradigm shifts and the long-term implications of the pandemic. At face value, both actions seem both reasonable and prudent. In the short-term, organizations have generally engaged in empathic pro-employee responses, and many have radically altered how and where employees work. As the new reality of the pandemic sets in, organizations and individuals grapple with the implications of the virus. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the business world in unprecedented and historic ways, the effects of which have been felt the world over.