I got my caravan in the new version at just a few days before autumn ended. The caravan used to arrive for me at exactly mid-autumn.

It still checks if a wagon could make it to the dapot, but for me a caravan (Without wagons obviously) went through a two-wide tunnel GiantTiger11 08:01, 24 April 2010 (UTC) Late caravan They're still in the raws - see creature_equipment.txt. This is most likely a bug as the access check screen is still in. Think it may be because I'm in a mountain biome.- Nimblewright 10:11, 14 April 2010 (UTC) Yes, Wagons are out for now. I've not had wagons in this current fort either. Is it just me or is there something needed except a 3wide path to one edge? Its always there and there is never a caravan with wagons, only with traders!- Niggy 20:32, 12 April 2010 (UTC) However, if you view the item in the trade depot screen ( v when highlighting the "empty" cage) the vermin will be shown as a content.- Kwieland 16:29, (UTC) No Wagons with Caravans The cages are not labeled as anything but normal cages. (hit q, select a cage, hit a, and there they are.) - Doub 17:47, (UTC) It is, however, shown in the list of creatures assignable to a cage. This vermin is not shown in your animal list of the status screen (hit z and then return to get there). This vermin isn't shown in thr trade screen list, unless you view these cages separately. I can confirm that elven caravans offer cages containing vermin. When I looked at the (elven) caravan they "stole" the vermin from them. I haven´t caught any vermin yet, so I put them in that cage, too. I wanted to release the bought warthogs out of their cages, tame bats and fluffy wamblers were in my list. Jwest23 20:31, (UTC) Vermin in caravans? The end of all dwarf civilizations does not necessarily mean that all dwarfs are dead. For some this is a very desirable play scenario.

In this case, you still get two waves of immigrants but no caravans will come. It's entirely possible to generate a world where all dwarf civilizations are no more. Isn't the fail condition for a world if the dwarfs don't survive?- Kwieland 17:46, (UTC) Also, I second the comment about embarking. I've never seen no-trade from the dwarves. always arrives regardless of embark location, as long as the dwarven civilization is not extinct.Verify.If their civilization is too small to have any leaders of note, then there will be no caravans. It seems to be possible in v0.31 to have no trade from the dwarves. When you (v)iew the item, the contents are listed, colored according to their origin (regardless of the container's origin). So your barrel was foreign (listed in white), despite the fact that the cheese was local. Any container will display according to the origin of the container, regardless of the contents. Note that AD was talking about the color displayed in the trading screen, not the color of the item. Anything made from tower cap will be white. I personally don't trade food or drinks - Todestool 14:49, 12 April 2010 (UTC) The color of a container is based on what it's made of. Perhaps for all barrel items, I'm not sure. I believe for liquids in barrels it looks at whether you made the barrel, not the contents. I mean, it's not exactly an issue, but is this because they an animal derived source or what? - AdmiralDread 05:15, 12 April 2010 (UTC) In my first trade with the dwarven caravan two goods I know I created, a barrel holding donkey cheese and a barrel with cow's milk were colored in white. Question regarding the coloring of the items being traded, It says that items in white are are created by a source other then your fortress, while brown is fortress created goods. Traders from my home civ show up, and they have loads upon loads of goods, but the trade window says they have nothing. 29 Repeatedly massacring the dwarven caravan.17 Random breaking of "Trader Requested at Depot"?.